Chaos Lord

Old Necron Lord (Legion of the Sun army)

=][= Eldar

Chaplain Cassius

Khorne World Eaters Champion

Quadruped Lictor

A quadruped lictor, not sculpted by me, sculpted by Tom Box - credit to him - its ace. I tried to do an equally ace paintjob. Hive fleet Behemoth.

Tellos, Soul Drinkers Marine

Read the Soul Drinker novels from the Black Library? No? You should. They are great. Im eagerly awaiting another novel where Tellos returns as a daemons prince or suchlike - like what was hinted at when he died.
Well, this is my interpretation of the character Tellos.
Assault marine sergeant who lost his hands and turned to khrone, he has a mutation that allows him to heal ultra-fast.

Finished Chapter master Vex

All done ;)