Well first thing's first - I didnt sculpt him ;-)
I got a decent sculptor i know to do that for me :D My GS skills are pitiful.
Im going to make a few adjustments to the spear. Make the shaft from brass rod probably. With a small orb at the bottom. Also perhaps do something with the head too - although the blade is nice.
Should have an update on the painting of him soon.
Chapter Master Vex of the Falcon Guard (Sculpt)
New Marine
Painted up a marine Vet to kill some time before i get started on a really decent project for my FG.
Pretty basic, bit of wet blending on the claw.
Pretty basic, bit of wet blending on the claw.
Showcase Ultramarines OSL
With On Source Lighting. Sold this guy, in the end, to raise funds for a specalist sculpted peice im getting ;)
Tyranids (Old Scheme, Pre repaint)
Dark Elf
Female Spartan
Ground Squad, Tank Busting Assault Squad
More Falcon Guard
About 1/3 of the way through the army. Although I have had to change it about abit to fit 5th edition 40k. I am now using the Blood Angels Codex. Going to start a rather characterful Death Company soon as I have lots of free time to paint now until I get another job. :P
Here is another Vet with flamer.

Here is another Vet with flamer.
Falcon Guard Veteran assault Squad Marine One
Tà Menaforsus
Tau Battlesuit Commander
I got this FW model from a well know online auction site because i have always wanted to paint Tau due to the fact I think my clean, bright (feel free to disagree) painting style suits them nicely.
The commander here was painted with a limited pallet of colours which are quite subtle. I think this suits the Tau's no-nonsense take on warfare in 40k fiction.
Sometime, I hope to send this guy back to the online Auction site where he came from and sell him. I'll be happy to simply get the money back that I paid for him.
World Eater Chaos Marine
Here is a World Eater marine which won the "40k Single mini" category at my local GW store.
The blood on the base and axe was created using partially dried PVA wood glue and red ink, before being painted in different stages of reds and gloss varnished.

Now for the "TauOnline" monthly Vow im workin on getting 7 more zerkers done. Progress so far- (colouration is quite bad as i used flash on the camera)
Im happy they are to a nice gameing standard.

The blood on the base and axe was created using partially dried PVA wood glue and red ink, before being painted in different stages of reds and gloss varnished.
Now for the "TauOnline" monthly Vow im workin on getting 7 more zerkers done. Progress so far- (colouration is quite bad as i used flash on the camera)
Im happy they are to a nice gameing standard.
Inquisitor Scale Ultramarine
Here is an Inquisitor scale Ultramarine i painted over the Christmas break. I first brought the model when i was 13 and just starting out with GW figures and mini painting. I figured he could do with a new coat of paint. I used non metallic metallics on him, its the first time I have seriously tried this on a piece. I think it looks alright, personally. Due to the success of this piece, next I am going to repaint and convert with a bit of 'green stuff' my Inquisitor scale genestealer. 

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